Sunday, September 12, 2010


My favorite article that I had to read this week was “Digital Devices Deprive Brain of Needed Downtime” by Matt Ritchel. The article is mainly about the pros and cons about technology. The positives about technology are that we get our jobs done quicker and we can always be entertained. However, the main downfall that the article mentioned was that our brains do not have “down time.” It also mentions that all the technology “prevent this learning process.” To start off, if the technology is defined as such a negative thing we have in our society, why do we keep making more? Why do schools make their systems ONLY technology? Yeah sure, it can help save the environment, but what do we cherish more, our brains or our trees? I don’t have the answer to that question, but what if we didn’t just fry our brains and save our trees? Let’s find the balance between the two.

If we find the balance between making our worlds less technology based and other ways to make paper, then we will have the time to create down time. In the meantime, our down time is with the technology, whether we like it or not. When I’m falling asleep, I’m texting someone, when I take a break from homework, I go on the computer or watch TV. It is an ongoing process. Technology is more entertaining than doing something that is just you and your mind. When I get very upset, I need the down time more than the technology, but every other situation is with a computer, TV, cellphone or iPod…

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