Tuesday, September 21, 2010

eat sleep swim, repeat.

    My schedule consists of waking up at 6AM practice, going to eat at Conn Hall, going to class at either 9:15 or 9:35 until 1:40, then swimming until 3:45 and on Tuesday and Thursdays we go straight to weight training until 5:00. From there, I have study hall at 7:30 so I have to set aside time to shower and eat dinner to be early to study hall in order to get a seat.
    Although this schedule may seem stressful to some people, this structured set up will help me succeed at SCSU. The tight schedule leaves little room to procrastinate. People may LOVE the freedom of doing whatever, whenever without a care in the world, but if i do not do my homework, or obligation right away, I will procrastinate. Why? I have terrible attention disorders. I also have short term memory loss which adds to it. 
    I was diagnosed with my mental disorders when I was in 6th grade. Imagine being told in 4th grade that you were different than everyone else because you weren't as smart. They always kept a close eye on me the all through high school because of my disorders. I may have hated it then, but now that I look at the situation that I went through. However, I adapted to my problem and got so used to being watched every second, that now that I'm on my own I feel as if I need someone to be on my tail with every move. At first I loved the freedom, now I fear it. I fear of failing, I fear not being good enough. I have never been on my own to prove myself, so this is my time to shine. This is my time to appreciate all the help and hand holding that I have been through all my life and grow up. I am definitely afraid of it, but I am looking forward to the day I can truly live on my own.

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