Sunday, September 19, 2010

Outcasts United

               I personally, hate books that I am going to be forced to read. So, before I could even touch Outcasts United, I already hated it. I am a stubborn person and I wish I could change that. However, the character who I enjoyed reading about the most was Luma. I feel as if everyone has a Luma in their life. Someone who is always there to push you so you can reach your fullest potential. You’re going to hate them during the process of getting there, but you cherish their work ethic as soon as you are done.
               What I also liked about Luma was that she started off with so much money, but then lost it all to do something she loved. She then had to work her way up to get by. This was also very relatable. Everyone has to sacrifice something in order to get what you need. It may not what you want for the meantime, but in the long run it will help you.
               I played soccer for most of my life, until I dislocated my knee. I played for the same team for about 6 years, with the same coaches and the majority of the same girls. No matter what our backgrounds were at school, we would come together to play soccer and do what we loved. I had a true love for the sport and was devastated when I dislocated my knee. That ended my career for the rest of my life.

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