Saturday, September 25, 2010

professional blogs

    I straight up googled "Professional Athlete Blogs" and came up with this website. I am a VERY strong Boston sports fan, so this site is a blessing. Under each sport, you can select a team. It's not just easy to use but it is very detailed under each sports team. From there, you can rate each blog post and the average number is posted on the left hand side of the title blog. It also not only relates solely to scores of last nights game, but what's going on in their lives as athletes outside of the game. 

    The second blog is a cooking blog. It is full of pictures. Which seems to be easier to follow then the first blog which is all reading.  I also love to cook and I love to eat. So this blog was definetly fun!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

eat sleep swim, repeat.

    My schedule consists of waking up at 6AM practice, going to eat at Conn Hall, going to class at either 9:15 or 9:35 until 1:40, then swimming until 3:45 and on Tuesday and Thursdays we go straight to weight training until 5:00. From there, I have study hall at 7:30 so I have to set aside time to shower and eat dinner to be early to study hall in order to get a seat.
    Although this schedule may seem stressful to some people, this structured set up will help me succeed at SCSU. The tight schedule leaves little room to procrastinate. People may LOVE the freedom of doing whatever, whenever without a care in the world, but if i do not do my homework, or obligation right away, I will procrastinate. Why? I have terrible attention disorders. I also have short term memory loss which adds to it. 
    I was diagnosed with my mental disorders when I was in 6th grade. Imagine being told in 4th grade that you were different than everyone else because you weren't as smart. They always kept a close eye on me the all through high school because of my disorders. I may have hated it then, but now that I look at the situation that I went through. However, I adapted to my problem and got so used to being watched every second, that now that I'm on my own I feel as if I need someone to be on my tail with every move. At first I loved the freedom, now I fear it. I fear of failing, I fear not being good enough. I have never been on my own to prove myself, so this is my time to shine. This is my time to appreciate all the help and hand holding that I have been through all my life and grow up. I am definitely afraid of it, but I am looking forward to the day I can truly live on my own.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Outcasts United

               I personally, hate books that I am going to be forced to read. So, before I could even touch Outcasts United, I already hated it. I am a stubborn person and I wish I could change that. However, the character who I enjoyed reading about the most was Luma. I feel as if everyone has a Luma in their life. Someone who is always there to push you so you can reach your fullest potential. You’re going to hate them during the process of getting there, but you cherish their work ethic as soon as you are done.
               What I also liked about Luma was that she started off with so much money, but then lost it all to do something she loved. She then had to work her way up to get by. This was also very relatable. Everyone has to sacrifice something in order to get what you need. It may not what you want for the meantime, but in the long run it will help you.
               I played soccer for most of my life, until I dislocated my knee. I played for the same team for about 6 years, with the same coaches and the majority of the same girls. No matter what our backgrounds were at school, we would come together to play soccer and do what we loved. I had a true love for the sport and was devastated when I dislocated my knee. That ended my career for the rest of my life.

you can pick your friends but not your family

               This week has been challenging. My dad got out of surgery on Wednesday and I wish I was there for him, but instead I am stuck on campus and am useless. My family and I are very close, so college has been a real test for us. I feel very close to my dad because everything bad that has happened to him, I have been there. When I was 10 he blew out his knee terribly while we were skiing together. He has had 10 surgeries, his 10th was on Wednesday. He needed to get his hip replaced 2 years ago because of how much pain he was in from his knee. (He would limp, which tore away at the bone and ligaments) One time he fell off of our roof (a two story fall) and I was the only person home and had to take him to the hospital by myself. 

               Through this pain that my father has gone through, we feel closer to each other. This week has been tough on me, knowing that my dad is going through more surgery and pain and that I am not there. My dad is a tough man, but it is hard to not be there for him. I miss my family a lot. It has been tough going through personal issues, without having a constant person to go to. Which is helping me grow as a person.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


My favorite article that I had to read this week was “Digital Devices Deprive Brain of Needed Downtime” by Matt Ritchel. The article is mainly about the pros and cons about technology. The positives about technology are that we get our jobs done quicker and we can always be entertained. However, the main downfall that the article mentioned was that our brains do not have “down time.” It also mentions that all the technology “prevent this learning process.” To start off, if the technology is defined as such a negative thing we have in our society, why do we keep making more? Why do schools make their systems ONLY technology? Yeah sure, it can help save the environment, but what do we cherish more, our brains or our trees? I don’t have the answer to that question, but what if we didn’t just fry our brains and save our trees? Let’s find the balance between the two.

If we find the balance between making our worlds less technology based and other ways to make paper, then we will have the time to create down time. In the meantime, our down time is with the technology, whether we like it or not. When I’m falling asleep, I’m texting someone, when I take a break from homework, I go on the computer or watch TV. It is an ongoing process. Technology is more entertaining than doing something that is just you and your mind. When I get very upset, I need the down time more than the technology, but every other situation is with a computer, TV, cellphone or iPod…

if theres a path without obstacles, it probably doesnt exist.

Technology has been my number one challenge here at SCSU. It is a big adjustment coming from a high school that only has textbooks and restricts the use of computers. In front of me is a blank computer screen with endless opportunities to procrastinate and daze off into the screen.
Hate may be a strong word, but I hate to do work on a computer. It’s bad for your body to sit in front of the computer for hours. The computer is where I relax and have my own time to take my mind off of my homework when I need a break. I’m not used to having to post all of my assignments online rather than handwrite it. I would rather handwrite any assignment and hand it in.
Also, in high school I had an IEP (Individual Education Program) which diagnosed me with short term memory loss along with other problems with my mental state at times. I usually have problems staying on task. Although everyone has issues without having a main authority on you at all times to do your homework, I realized how much I took advantage of that to get my work done. My parents would constantly yell at me to get my work done and I am so used to them being on me to do my work that it’s a reality shock when I miss homework assignments. I am still adjusting to college life and the balancing act of social and school work, but eventually I will get it down.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Setting the Tone

What is college?
College is a social experiment for those who want to carry their education to higher levels. You are put into a room with a complete stranger (or more) and are expected to live with them for the rest of the year. Things could go terribly bad or unexpectedly well. College is also stepping way outside of you comfort zone of social acceptance. If you aren’t accepting of who other people are, you aren’t going to make friends. You have to leave your family and best friends at home and live a new life. There aren’t many other chances where you can start on a clean slate. 
Going to college can accomplish the social experiment as well as the academic side. Although it may be great to not have your parents on you about doing your homework, it leads to vulnerability to failure. Responsible decisions need to be made in order to succeed academically and socially.  College can either be a multi thousand dollar drinking spree or it could give you a chance in the real world.
To be a college student takes a lot of responsibility as well as maturity. You can either accept the fact that people are going to be different or you can judge everyone in front of you. You need to have the authority of doing your work and studying for your classes as well. This is the first time you are so independent, you might as well make the best of it. 

Getting to know you

1) Service.
I grew up in a very religious family, so I found myself at church every weekend. Instead of complaining to my parents about how much I hated being there, I found the Youth Ministry which was much less religious and more social. Through the Youth Ministry I found myself doing a lot of community service for people who were in need. Over this past summer, I went to Kingston, Jamaica to help severely mentally and physically handicapped children who were abandoned by their family. Through this experience, I found the true meaning of love and happiness. I also realized that I took so many things for granted, for example my parent’s love for me and a clean shelter. 

2)  Athletics
I have been swimming since 4th grade and am currently swimming for SCSU. Swimming has been a major part of my life. It has made me work harder, both mentally and physically. Through the challenges of swimming, I have bonded with other swimmers, who have become my best friends and will cherish their friendship forever. 
3)  Food

Food is my best friend. I love food more than I love to swim. My friends usually give me their leftovers of what they can’t finish. Luckily, I can work off all the food that I take in….

4) Laughing
I absolutely LOVE to laugh. I love to see other people laugh and I love to make other people laugh. Laughing is the best medicine. Without happiness and laughing, the world would be a boring place. Life shouldn’t be taken too seriously, take a break and laugh it off. :)