Sunday, October 24, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010


  So far, this weekend has been pretty amazing. I saw my family for the first time since move in day!! They came up for the weekend. I saw them Friday night, which was super fun :) we went out to chilli's and had dinner together. They dropped me off and then came to see my first college swim meet! It was so nice of them to come down I can't even put words together to tell them how much it meant for them to come.
  I swam terribly, which is so discouraging because i swim once Monday, twice Tuesday then weight lifting, twice Wednesday, twice Thursday then weight lifting, once Friday and once Saturday. Don't you think that all this hard work should pay off? UGH
  After my meet we went to the football game. My parents are Bentley Alumni, so they cheered for Bentley the whole time! They say that the only team they truly have to cheer for at Southern is the swim team. They're goofs.
  I love my family more than anything. It made me so upset that they had to leave. They're always there for me no matter what. I can't express to them how much they mean to me. I hope that someday I can repay them for all the amazing things they have done for me. Through all the dark and light times. I already miss them.
  Now I'm exhausted and I'm gonna go to sleep before the swim team has another get together :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


  I believe that Lee COULD be a great help in our class. However, our class takes advantage of her kind personality and abuses the fact that we don't have a "real" teacher present. To be honest, I have had my struggles in life and to open up to a whole class of strangers about a previous drug issues is so respectable. That same day when she opened up to our class, the class was not only disrespectful, but was SO arrogant that she had opened about such a touchy subject.

  It makes me sick to my stomach to have someone disrespected that way. Now every time that she is in the class, they see it as an oprotunity to talk over her since she does not have the same authority that Jen does. This not only discourages her from wanting to be a teacher (I'm guessing) and also could make her feel more self conscious about her past issues with drugs.

  In what world is any of this okay? I feel awful for Lee and I would never want to go through what our class is putting her through. She is an amazing person! She always adds just the right comment to every discussion to either help us out or to keep us thinking. Freshman year in college is confusing and a big transition. To have someone who has already been in our shoes be in class with us is very reassuring and comforting. Sometimes we are afraid to go to a professor in order to get help, this is a stepping stool to asking a professor... She not only older than us, but she is also in some sense a "lower" authority.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

caring how it hurts.

I want to be a nurse. Since I was a little kid I have always wanted to be a nurse. My grandma would buy me doctors kits and pretend she was sick to humor me.

I have always been involved with community service. Helping people has always been such a pleasure in my life. I struggle a lot with helping myself a lot of the time. My recent mission trip took me to Jamaica.

Yup, this is it. People forget that a country with such beauty, is struggling so much. Behind this beauty is the harsh reality of poverty and hurting. Although these images are very shocking, this is what I saw everyday for a week and it changed my life. It made me continue my journey to be a nurse.

To see people in this condition broke my heart. The girl that I am holding in the picture above changed my life. Her family abandoned her and left her to die. When I first walked around where all the abandoned children were, her and I immediately locked eyes. When I smiled, she smiled. Although none of the children could talk, we read each other. I would feel when she was sick.

So you might ask what this has to do with anything. I felt right doing this. I felt right being there for someone else and helping them. This finalized my decision of being a nurse. I saw brutal illnesses and physically disabled people. It did not phase me that they were so handicapped. I wanted to help them immediately.

So this is my story about my major. Leading up to making the choice has changed my life, imagine what the actual thing will do to me.  

oops part one

Once again,

I forgot to post my blogs.

I always seem to write it in a word document, then immediately tune out and not post them on the internet.

Anyways, to begin with, a good blog post needs to be on time. If it isn't on time, it cant even be counted! Also, a blog post needs to be thoughtful and not just going through the motions.  A lot of pictures usually helps too. When someone writes in HUGE paragraphs and it's not an essay, it's boring.

I personally don't even like writing blogs, but your attitude will show through if you don't put a little effort. People don't like reading a blog that's totally BS and they know that you dont like writing it! So put on a mask for goodness sake and do your homework with meaning. How else are you gonna go through life? There are gonna be a lot of things that you dont like. Are you gonna BS it all?

Put a smile on your face. Have a great day.